Zachariah Daniel Hill
- Born: Jul 1833, South Carolina
- Marriage (1): Martha Jane Downs on 3 Dec 1853 in Harrison Co., Texas
- Marriage (2): Susan Oliver Price on 29 Dec 1868 in Harrison Co., Texas
- Died: 3 Nov 1908, Harrison Co., Texas at age 75
- Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Marshall, Harrison Co., Texas
General Notes:
The 1860 Federal Census for Harrison Co., Texas, Beat 1, page 444A records Z. D. Hill ( 27- Ala) with his wife M. [Martha] J. (26 - Ala) and children W. H. (6 - TX), Frances (3 - TX), and Robt (1 - TX). Also in the household is Zachariah's brother, George H. Hill (16 - Ala). Next door are Martha's parents, Dr. W. R. (48) and Hannah (44) Downs and their children David (20), James (17), Malinda (15), Charles (10), and Wm (25). All members of that family are born in Alabama except Charles, who is born in Texas. (which indicates a move to Texas ca 1849).
The 1870 Federal Census for Harrison Co., Texas, Precinct 3, Marshall P. O., page 62B records Z. D. Hill (37 - SC) with his wife S. O. (25 - AL) and children Hannah (13 - TX) and John W. (9/12 - TX). Nearby is Z. D.'s sister, Charlotte, with her husband, Robert Alexander, and their family.
The 1880 Federal Census for Harrison Co., Texas, Precinct 2, District 48, page 468B records Zack Hill (46 - SC/NY/SC) with his wife Susan O. (35 - AL/AL/AL) and children John W. (10 - TX), Bascom O. (9 - TX), Josephine C. (6 - TX), William O. (5 - TX), Mariette (3 - TX), Ruby (1 - TX), and Floyd (3/12 - TX).
The 1900 Federal Census for Harrison Co., Texas, Marshall Ward 1, District 45, page 147A records Zachariah D. Hill (July 1833 - SC/SC/SC) with his wife Susan L. (Sept 1844 - AL/TN/AL) living at 606 Texas Street. They have been married for 31 years and have had 10 children of which 6 are still living. Zachariah is employed as a bolt cutter.
By 1910 Zachariah has died but Susan continues to live in Marshall, Texas: The 1910 Federal Census for Harrison Co., Texas, Marshall Ward 1, District 43, page 97B records the widow Susan O. Hill (65) as a Sales Woman for Groceries. Also in the household are children John W. (40) and Becie (23), both having lost their spouses. Susan has had 10 children of which 5 are still living. Next door is son William O. (35) and Katie (29) Hill and their children.
Zachariah married Martha Jane Downs on 3 Dec 1853 in Harrison Co., Texas. (Martha Jane Downs was born circa 1834 in Alabama and died circa 1861 in Harrison Co., Texas.)
Zachariah next married Susan Oliver Price on 29 Dec 1868 in Harrison Co., Texas. (Susan Oliver Price was born in Sep 1844 in Alabama, died after 1920 in Harrison Co., Texas and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Marshall, Harrison Co., Texas.)