Christian Brown
- Born: May 1836, Pennsylvania
- Died: After 1900, Carlisle, PA.
General Notes:
The 1870 census records Christian as married to Sarah and his recently widowed father is living with the family in Spring Township, Perry. Co., PA.
The 1880 census records Christian (46) as having moved his family over the mountain to Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA. His father, Jacob (83), is still living with them. Also in the household is Sarah (36), Rebecca A. (15), Mary E. (13), Ida (11), Margaret A. (8), John W. (6), George W. (3), and Sarah S. (10/12).
The 1900 census records Christian as a widower living with his daughter, the widow Mary Hetzel (33), in Carlisle, PA. Also in Mary's house is her sister Ida Brown (30) and brother, George W. Brown (23)