Elvy C. Mustain
(Cir 1837-After 1861) |
Elvy C. Mustain
General Notes: In 1860 Elvy Mustain is living in Pittyslvania Co., VA: The 1860 Federal Census for North District, Pittyslvania Co., VA , Chalk Level P. O., page 186 records Eloy (sic) Mustain (22) living in the home of Joel (75) and Mary (66) Mustain. Also in the house are William H. Mustain (45) and Joel C. Mustain (27). Joel and William are farmers while Joel C. is a Merchantile Clerk. Joel has real estate valued at $2,500 and a personal estate at $5,000. William has a personal estate valued at $600 while Joel C. has a personal estate valued at $400. Elvy married Samuel Adkins, son of Owen Sanford Sr. Adkins and Francis (Fannie) Campbell, on 17 Jan 1861 in Museville, Pittsylavania Co., VA. (Samuel Adkins was born circa 1827 in Museville, Pittsylvania Co., VA. and died after 1862.) Marriage Notes: ADKINS, Samuel T., (no information given) married to Elvy C. Mustain, (no information given). 17 January 1861. Married by W. S. Penick. |
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