Thomas Armstrong
- Born: Cir 1816, Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA
- Marriage: Mary Winters
- Died: Cir 1859, Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA at age 43
General Notes:
The 1850 Federal Census for Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA, page 142A, dated Sept 28, 1850 records Thomas (34 - PA) and Mary (32 - PA) Armstrong with children Levi (6 - PA), Joseph (4 - PA), and Benjamin F. (8/12 - PA). Also in the household is Joseph Armstrong (36 - PA). Thomas is a Farmer with real estate valued at $1,800. Joseph is a Distiller.
See general notes on his father, Hugh Armstrong, for a Biographical Sketch from: History of Martic Township from History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with Biographical Sketches published in 1883. [children listed include B. F. Armstrong, member of the school board of Martic; Thomas Jefferson, until recently assessor of Providence township; Christian, Daniel and George ... census record indicate that the following children die young: Levi, Joseph, Daniel, George, and Mary]
The 1860 Federal Census for Providence Township, Lancaster Co., PA, page 614A, dated June 18, 1860 records Mary Armstrong (42 - PA) with children [Benjamin] Franklin (10), Christian (4), John (3), and Mary E. (3/12).
By 1870, Thomas and Mary's sons, Christian and Thomas J. are living with Thomas' brother, Joseph ... see general notes on Thomas' brother William's son Thomas Armstrong.
Thomas married Mary Winters. (Mary Winters was born circa 1818 in Pennsylvania and died after 1860 in Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA.)