Meriwether Lewis
- Born: Cir 1774
- Died: Oct 1809 at age 35
General Notes: Meriwether Lewis died on his way to Washington, DC in October, 1809. Historians still dispute whether the explorer and then-governor of Louisiana committed suicide or was murdered. He was never married, but family legend shares that he courted Theodesia Burr, the daughter of Aaron Burr. Around the time that the expedition commenced, they had arrived at the point in the relationship where Lewis either had to marry Theodesia or find a respectable way to exit the relationship. His opportunity for the graceful exit arrived when Jefferson asked Lewis to command an expedition to find an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean, and study the land along that route. Supposedly, Theodesia pleaded with Meriwether to decline the journey and marry her, heavily encouraged by her father. Obviously, Theodesia's pleas fell on deaf ears. Descendents of the family point to this legend as a reason why Meriwether men take a long time to get married. (Davis, 1951)