Owen Lewis Chase


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Owen Lewis Chase

  • Born: 14 Jan 1931, Ada, Kent Co., Michigan
  • Died: 18 Jul 2002, Hernando, Citrus Co., Florida at age 71

bullet   Another name for Owen was Owen Louis Chase.


bullet  General Notes:

The SSDI records:
Owen L. Chase
SSN: 380-26-4637
Last Residence: 34442 Hernando, Citrus, Florida
Born: 14 Jan 1931
Died: 18 Jul 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: Michigan (Before 1951)

Owen is the son of Oliver W. Chase and Sarah Christian of Traverse City, Michigan.

The 1940 Federal Census for Cedar Springs, Kent Co., Michigan records Owen Chase (32 - Michigan) with his wife Sarah Chase (32 - Missouri) and children Willard Chase (12 - Michigan), Lewis Chase (9 - Michigan), and Raymond (7 - Michigan). Owen is a Salesman at a Retail Store and earnong $0 during the last year. The family was living in Grand Rapids on April 1, 1935.

The 1930 Federal Census for Ada, Kent Co., Michigan records Owen W. Chase (23 - Michigan/NY/LA) with his wife Sarah G. Chase (22 - Missouri/TN/Iowa) and son Willard J. Chase (2 - Michigan). Owen is a Laborer at a Fur Farm and has been married to Sarah for 3 years.

The 1920 Federal Census for Traverse, Grand Traverse Co., Michigan records Willard Chase (44 - NY/US/US) with his wife Ella Chase (37 - Michigan/NY/Canada) and children Loretta Chase (20 - Michigan), Walter Chase (18 - Michigan), and Owen Chase (12 - Michigan).


Owen married Living

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