Kedar Parker
- Born: Cir 1758, Gates Co, NC
- Died: Cir 1837, Gates Co, NC at age 79
General Notes:
PARKER, KEDAR DAR_id=A087691> Child/Child Spouse: DAVID / [1] EDNEY GOODMAN (CN) Add Volume: 914 Service: NORTH CAROLINA Rank: PRIVATE Birth: 24 Oct 1758 VIRGINIA Death: (ANTE) 8- -1837 GATES CO NORTH CAROLINA Service Source: *S7299 Service Description: 1) CAPTS ABRAM COLE, MOSES KITTEREL, JOHN BENTON; COLS RIDDICK, SUMNER
GATES COUNTY COURTHOUSE Gatesville, North Carolina Will Book # 2, Pages 393-394 KEDAR PARKER WILL (researched and transcribed by Nita [Juanita] Rawls Watterson, 2005 at Gates County Court House) Will Date 15 July 1829 Date Probated August County Court 1837
In the name of God Amen. I Kedar of Gates County & State of North Carolina being well in body and of perfect mind and memory Thanks be to God for it knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all. I give and Recommend my soul unto the hands of almighty God that gave it and as touching such worldly Goods or Estate when with it has please God to bless me with I give & demise & dispose of in the following manner & form. First I give & bequeath unto my son Jno Parker a peace of Land beginning at the new road joining Jesse Savage's line to the Bay Branch thence up the said branch to the said road thence along the said road to the first station including the plantation he has cleared supposed to be one hundred acres to him and his Heirs forever also I give unto the said Jno Parker one hundred dollars also I give the rest of my land and plantation whereon I now live to my son Abraham Parker and his Heirs forever. I also give to my son Ira Parker one hundred dollars. I also give to my son David Parker's two daughters Thaney Parker & Christian Parker twenty dollars to each of them. Also I give & bequeath my land & plantation lying on the mare branch to be sold by my Executor's here after mentioned and the money arising there from to be equally divided between my three sons Jno Parker, Abm Parker and Ira Parker also all the remainder of my Estate of every kind to be sold by my executor & the money arising there from to be Equally divided between my four children after all just charges are paid between my four children to wit Elizabeth Norsworthy, Jno Parker, Abram Parker, Ira Parker share & share a like. Lastly I denominate and appoint my two sons Jno Parker & Abraham Parker to be my Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand & seal this the fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred & Twenty nine. Signed sealed and delivered and declared by the said Kedar Parker as his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who in his Presence and the presence of each other have here unto Subscribed our names. Witness Kedar Parker Seal Jno H. Haslett Jurat William Babb State of North Carolina Gates County August County Court 1837 The forgoing last will and testament of Kedar Parker exhibited in open court and proved by the oath of John H. Haslet a subscribe and ordered to be recorded wherefore John Parker & Abraham Parker qualified in order form of law as Executors aforesaid. Test W. G. Daughtry
Kedar Parker is listed in the 1786 Census for Gates Co., NC
The 1790 Federal Census for Gates Co., NC records one Kadar (sic) Parker: 1 white male over 16, 2 white males under 16, 2 white females (including heads of households), and no slaves.
The 1800 Federal Census for Gates Co., NC records 2 Kedar Parkers: Kedar Parker (26-45), 1 male (10-16), 1 female (26-45). Next door is Abraham Parker (10-26), 1 male (<10), 2 females (<26), 1 female (26-45) - no slaves. On the same page as the above Kedar Parker is: Kedar Parker (26-45), 2 males (<10), 2 males (10-16), 1 female (10-16), 1 female (26-45) - 1 Slave.
The 1810 Federal Census for Gates Co., NC records 1 Kader Parker (image 9 of 22): Kadar Parker (26-44), 2 males (<10), 1 female (<10), and 1 female (26-44)
The 1820 Federal Census for Gates Co., NC records 1 Kadar Parker (image 35 of 41): Kadar Parker (>45), 1 male (26-45), 1 female (16-26), 1 female (>45).
The 1830 Federal Census for Gates Co., NC records Abram Parker (of Kedar) (30-40), 1 male (15-20), 2 males (5-10), 1 male (70-80)*, 1 female (30-40), and 1 female (10-15). *This is the widower Kedar Parker living with his son Araham Parker who owns 1 slave.
Research Notes:
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 23:27:08 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Parkers To:
Hi Bo, It was really great to hear from you again. It sounds like you and Mary Lou are quite busy. I have had a pretty good summer with some baby sitting because Carter in now working in Hampton. I am sorry, I have been so long answering your e-mail. I have been quite excited about finding out who our Parker was. As we know Edna (Edney) Goodman and David Parker were her parents as well as the parents of Parthania or Bethaney. Parthania was Randolph first wife. They lived in Gates County, NC. On 21 Feb 1820, the courts ordered that Administration on the estate of David Parker decd be granted to Abraham Parker. Edney was appointed guardian for Bethaney Parker and Christian. Edney later married David L. Milteer. I have all of these Court Order records. I have a Deed dated 18 Nov 1839 where Randolph and Parthania Rawls are selling land being her part of lands of the late David Parker (DB 17,Pages 144-146 Gates Co.) to John Rawls. I have a Deed dated 7 Aug 1841 where Randolph & Christian Rawls, his wife, and David Miltear and Edney, his wife, are selling her part of the lands of the late David Parker. This proves their parents and marriage to Randolph. David Parker's father was Kedar Parker and I have his will dated 15 July 1829, Probated August county court 1837. He gives money to my son David Parker's two daughters Thaney and Christian Parker. He served in the Revolutionary War and received a pension which I have records. We believe his father was William Parker, Sr. Will Book 1, P 50 Gates. I still want to do a little more research on that one. I really think this was a big find for us. If I find anything more, I will let you know. Please keep in touch. Nita
See general notes on Kedar's mother, Elizabeth Wallis, for the 1944 application of James Sidney Kitterman to the Sons of the American Revolution naming Kedar Parker (1750 - 1837) as his ancestor.
See a book regarding the Parker family of Nansemond Co. & Gates Co.: Following the Land: A Genealogical History of Some of the Parkers of Nansemond County, Virginia, and Chowan/Hertford/Gates Counties, North Carolina, 1604-2004 By Raymond Parker Fouts (2005)
Kedar married Living
Kedar next married Living