Johannes Rohrbach
(1825-1889) |
Johannes Rohrbach
Johannes Rohrbach and family are listed in the New York Passengers:1851-1891 data base at ancestry.com. I believe this to be the correct family because: 1) they arrive Nov. 19, 1860, 2) the mother is listed as Catherine Rohrbach, born 1826, 3) the youngest child is Rosine Rohrbach, age 7/12, 4) they are from Switzerland, and 5) the facts just listed are consistent with 1870 and 1880 census records discribing the actual family. This immigration list includes other family members: Andreas Rohrbach, age 14, Catherine Rohrbach, age 11, Anna Rohrbach, age 5, and Rosine, 7 months. The ship's name is recorded as Mercury and the port of departure was Le Havre, France. (This list is from the National Archives, Washington, D.C.: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York 1820-1897. Micropublication M237, Rolls #95-580.) ![]() Johannes married Katherina (Kate) Jaggi, daughter of Living and Living, on 15 Jan 1845 in Meiringen, Bern, Switzerland. (Katherina (Kate) Jaggi was born on 27 Jan 1826 in Meiringen, Bern, Switzerland, died on 28 Sep 1905 in Germania, Potter Co., Ohio and was buried in Germania, Potter Co., Ohio.) |
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