John Hardy II
- Born: 1637, England
- Marriage: Alice Bennett
- Died: Bef 9 Jun 1677 85
General Notes:
Capt. John Hardy, born in England about 1637, Will probated 1677, came to Virginia before 1654 with his brother George Hardy. He was a member of the House of Burgresses in 1668, and a Justice of the County Court of Isle of Wight Co., Va. about 1675. He married Alice Bennett, the widow Johnson, daughter of Thomas Bennett and Alice, widow Pierce. Thomas Bennett was born in Wivelscombe, Co. Somerset, England, and died in Virginia after 1632 having come on the Neptune in 1618, a member of the House of Burgesses from Mulberry Island in 1632.
*Source: Magna Charta by John S. Wurts, 1954, Brookfield Publishing Company pages 2133
John Hardy’s will was dated 7 Oct 167_, and probated 9 June 1677. In this will he named his wife, Alice, his daughters, Olivia Driver, Lucy Council and Deborah; his grandchildren, Hardy Driver and others; alos his sons-in-law Giles Driver, Hodges Council, Robert Burnett and William Mayo. He was a prominient citizen and churchman.
*Source: Hardy and Hardie Past and Present, H. Claude Hardy and Rev. Edwin Noah Hardy, The Syracuse Typesetting Co., Syracuse, NY 1935, pp.236-237
Will of John Hardy, of the lower parish, in the Isle of Wright co., in Va.: Dau. Olive Driver, wife of Giles Driver, dau. Lucy Council, wife of Hodges Councill, dau. Deborah Hardy; gr. child Hardy Driver, dau of Giles D., Olive Driver's two children, Lucy Councill's 3 children, wife's grand child John Johnson; wife Alice Hardy, son-in-law Robert Burnett; to William Mayo all my silver clasps to breeches and shirt. Dated 7 Oct., 167--; pr. 9 June, 1677.
Source: Virginia Vital Records #1, 1600s-1800s, Virginia Will Records, Will Abstracts from the Isle of Wright County, Family tree Maker, Broderbund Software, Inc., Blue Banner Division, October 24, 1998
In the name of God Amen, I John Hardy of the Lower Parish in Isle of Wight Co, VA, being sick in body but of perfect memory, praised be Almighty God for the same, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:
Imprimis. I do hereby comit my soul to my God and Savior Jesus Christ through whose merritts I hope to obtain eternal salvation, and my body to be buried in a decent manner. Secondly. I give and bequeath my dau. Olive Driver the wife of Giles Driver, a parcell of land in the woods, being a part of a divident lying on the Northwest side of the swamp by the house Eastward to the Procoson running up the side of the Said swamp and running Westerly up along by a branch on the other side of the house to another little branch called the Miory Branch and so extending to the bounds of Matton Comlin's Market, and Wm. West on the other side, being a part of a divident of land I took up by pattent which said parcel of land I do hereby freely give unto her and such heirs as she shall be leased to give it to, lawrully begotten of her body and their heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my dau. Lucy Councill the wife of Hodges Councill one parcell or tract of land on the Southeast of the said Branch or swamp that the former land is joyned unto, extending in its full bounds to the line of William West's and so running up the Pocoson to the said parcel of land. I do freely give and bequeath to her and to any of her heirs lawfully begotten of her body and to their heirs forever.
Item. I give my dau. Debora Hardy one parcell of land lying and being about the bouse, beginning at the swamp formerly spoken of and running down the swamp to William West's line and so along the said line till it comes to Matton Comlin's Cross and so along the said Comlin's line till it meets the land of my said daughter Olive Driver, which said parcel of land with the houses and edifices thereon now standing. I do freely give and bequeath unto her and either of her heirs lawfully begottne of her body and their heirs forever. But in case my said dau. Deborah Hardy should happen to dye without any issue lawfully begotten of her body that then my will is and I do freely give the said tract of land with the houses and edifices aforesaid unto my grandchild Hardy Driver the daughter of Giles Driver and to either of her heirs forever.
Item. My will is and I do hereby ordain and bequeath all the Pocoson that belongs to the devident to be equally divided for the said tracts to find them timber for the furnishing the several plantations thereupon, as occasion shall require, forever.
Item. I give to my son in law Giles Driver one draft brinded (?) ox called Swan.
Item. I give my son in law Hodges Councill a serge suit of my wearing apparall and my Back Sword.
Item. I give my grandchildren, that is to say my daughter Olive Driver's two children, each of then one ewe apiece, with their increase, and to the three children of my dau. Lucy Councill each of them a ewe apiece with their increase to be delivered unto them presently after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my wife's grandchilde John Johnson one cow to be delivered unto him when he comes of the age of seventeen. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved loving wife Alice Hardy, my debts and funeral expenses being first paid and satisfied, all the rest of my worlkly estate of what nature, quality, condition whatsoever, during her life to be at her disposing, and after her decease to be equally divided between my aforesaid three daughters and whom they think fit of their heirs, making her my whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Item. I do give and bequeath myto my son in law Robert Burnet my rapidr (?) and bolt, and unto Wm. Mayo all my silver clasps to my breeches and shirt, whom I shall request to see this my last will and testament performed. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 7th day of October 1676.
(signed) John Hardy, Seal
Witnesses: Richard Rennolds, Will Jenkins
Proved by Mr. Rennolds in Court June 9, 1677
Teste: John Bromfield, Clk Ct
*Source: Isle of Wight Co, VA, WB 2, p146
Note: I'd also like to suggest a reading for some of the questionable terms in the text of the will. For example, the "draft brinded (?) ox called Swan" that John leaves to Hodges COUNCIL is probably "brindel" or brindled - tawny gray with darker spots and stripes. The "rapidr (?)" he leaves to Robert BURNETT is probably his "rapier" or sword, and the "bolt" may be a small, hand-held crossbow, although it could also be something like a cudgel or slapjack -- a club =shaped= like a short arrow or crossbow projectile. Paul B Phelps, Alexandria,VA Pauls web address for a discussion on this era of the Hardy Lineage is
John married Alice Bennett. (Alice Bennett was born in 1615-1632 and died in 1675.)