Anne Lee Doughtie
- Born: Abt 1876, Nansemond Co, VA.
Research Notes:
Possible match for this female: A November 15, 2010 email from Luke Letlow included: I am on to a "curious case of a runaway doughtie" and I would really like to solve the question. I ran across your website only today, but I have been trying to find an answer to where my great-great grandmother came from. I am convinced that there is a very close connection -- but I am also at a stand still.
My name is Luke Letlow and I am the 2nd Great Grandson of Lelia (Lela) Doughtie. Her grandson, Richard H. Taylor, is still living and he has told me much about her. Do you have any suggestions on how I might be able to best solve the missing links? Attached is a brief sketch I wrote up about her after I found your site.
Thanks! Luke
He writes: Lelia (Lela?) Doughtie was born on August 16, 1878 in Norfolk, Virginia, and died April 26, 1962 and is buried in New Salem Cemetery located in Richland Parish, LA. (She actually died in Escambia County, Florida, while living with her youngest daughter.) She lived all of her adult life in Richland Parish, LA. When she was somewhere between 14 & 16, she came by train to visit/live with cousins in Girard, LA. When she turned 19, she married my second great grandfather, George Houston Taylor, on August 29, 1897. Seven months later, she had the first of 10 children. The first was George Henry Taylor, who was my great-grandfather. One might theorize that she became pregnant out of wedlock, but this is not something that has ever been discussed until recently in our family. She lives all of her adult life in Richland Parish, and dies on April 26, 1962 at the age of 81. As I stated earlier, she is buried in New Salem Cemetery beside her husband, George Houston Taylor. I am convinced that the William H. Doughtie family, which is listed on your website, must be related to Lelia Doughtie. The William H. Doughtie family has a very nice cemetery family plot that is fenced in with multiple family tombstones. Just 24 yards or so away, lies my great-grandmother, Lelia Doughtie. It is obvious that William H. Doughtie and family were not Lelia's direct parents. Perhaps this is the family she came to stay with when she was 14 or 15 years old? My grandfather also told me that he remembers a brother of his grandmother coming to visit her once in Richland Parish. These are the basic facts of what I know about her.
Note: Leilia Doughtie Taylor is buried in the New Salem Cemetery, Rayville, Richland Parish, LA
In response, this reseacher wrote to Luke: The 1900 Federal Census for Police Jury Ward 2, Richland Parish, Louisiana, District 98, page 145B, dated June 1, 1900 records George H. Taylor (May 1873 - LA/AL/AL) with his wife Lela (Aug 1880 - VA/VA/VA) and sons George H. Jr (March 1898 - LA) and Hearsey L. (February 1900 - LA). George is a farmer and has been married to Lela for 2 years. They have had 2 children. By the way ... a check of WWI draft records indicate George Huston Taylor born May 23, 1873 and George Henry Taylor born March 15, 1898. Their signatures indicate Huston and Henry as middle names ... so I am writing this just to demonstrate that the 1900 census record uses "Jr" for the son ... thus the middle names "should" be the same but apparently are not. (WWI Draft records also have Lee Hersey Taylor born February 16, 1900) The 1910 Federal Census for Police Jury Ward 3, Richland Parish, Louisiana, District 115, page 96B, dated May 11, 1910 records G. H. Taylor (37 - LA/LA/LA) with his wife L. (40 - LA/VA/VA) and sons Geo H. (12 - LA), Lee H. (10 - LA), Tom (6 - LA), Robt (4 - LA), and Infant (no name) (1/12 - LA). George is a farmer and has been married to Lela for 13 years. They have had 6 children of whom 5 are still living. The 1920 Federal Census for Police Jury Ward 3, Richland Parish, Louisiana, District 106, page 112A, dated April 13, 1920 records George H. Taylor (44 - LA/AL/AL) with his wife Lela (39 - NC/NC/NC) and sons Willie (15 - LA), Jessie (13 - LA), Walter (10 - LA), Freddie (8 - LA), Herbert (4 8/12 - LA) and daughter Noby (2 8/12 - LA). George is a farmer.
See general notes on Lelia Doughtie, daughter of Joshua Douhtie.