Hezekiah Minter
- Born: Abt 1773
- Marriage: Elizabeth Going
General Notes:
from: http://webpages.charter.net/chamberlayne/minter/mnotes.htm Minters of Henry County by Donald W. Chamberlayne : chamberlayne@charter.net Hezekiah Miner The second child of John and Susannah Minter has been said in a number of places to have been Hezekiah Minter, born about 1773, who married, in 1795, Elizabeth Going. The only source provided in any of the listings for this presumption is the record of marriage bonds of Henry County. But in the transcription of those bonds by Virginia Anderton Dodd, the name is clearly spelled Miner, not Minter. Possible explanations include that someone reading the handwritten originals mistook one name for the other, that a spelling error was made when a clerk wrote the name in the marriage bond registry, or that a spelling change occurred in one direction or the other. There exists a family of the surname Miner, sometimes spelled Minor, which has well-established links back to Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Going) Miner. A member of this family involved in research on his family, Carl McArn of Georgia, came across the descendancy listing posted with my Minters of Henry County in 2004, which included the reference to Hezekiah, and inquired about the documentation for this assertion. If Hezekiah Miner and Hezekiah Minter were one and the same person, regardless of reason for the spelling variation, it would mean that the Miners could now trace their line back three more generations, to Anthony and Elizabeth Minter of Caroline County. It also would open the entire line of Miners as members of a branch of the Minter descendancy. When efforts to find any original source other than the marriage record proved unsuccessful, DNA analysis emerged as a possible means of determining whether Hezekiah was a Minter. In the Fall of 2006, Carl McArn and a Minter male, a known direct descendant of John Minter of Henry County, compared DNA results and found no kinship pattern. Thus, Hezekiah is now assumed to have been a Miner, not a Minter. (Unfortunately, I am unable to provide more specific information concerning the DNA analysis.) Carl McArn is the person to contact <sources.htm> regarding the Miners, and perhaps for additional information regarding the DNA analysis.
Hezekiah married Elizabeth Going.