Francis (Fanny) Ann Blackwell
- Born: 18 Feb 1810, Warren Co., N.C.
- Marriage: William Duke Wortham on 6 Apr 1825 in Warren Co., N.C.
- Died: 10 Feb 1887, Vance Co., N.C. at age 76
General Notes:
The 1880 Federal Census for Henderson District, Granville Co., NC records Fanny A. Wortham (70) living with her son George F. Wortham (31) and his wife Orelia (26) and daughter Mary A. (2). Next door is Richard L. Wortham (37) and his wife Oliripa (28) and children William E. (9), Kate E. (7), Annie (4), and Thomas (2).
Original clipping in the family collection of Clara Garrett Fountain of Danville, VA, Nov 2008: Obituary Death of an Aged and Estimable Lady. Mrs. Fannie A. Wortham one of the oldest and most quiet members of our community died on Monday last at one o'clock in the afternoon. She had been sick but two days, when death came to relief she departed "to be with Christ, Which is far better." Mrs. Wortham was daughter of Wm. Blackwell and Betsy Marshall, and Was married to Mr. William D. Wortham when she was fifteen years old. She was born on the 18th of February, 1810, and died just eight days before the completion of her seventy-seventh year and lived a happy married life of 52 years, before the death of her husband, some years ago. Mrs. Wortham was the mother of sixteen Children - eight of them living to manhood and womanhood. There are but five however who survive her, three sons, John, Richard L.; and Geo. F.; and two daughters, Mrs. Susanah Hinton of Durham and Mrs. Bettie S. Clarke of Chatham county. Her home was for years with her youngest son and child Mr. Geo. F. Wortham, proprietor of the Henderson Mineral Springs, who has with his family ministered to her comfort with much tenderness and affection. Her faith was early expressed in the Lord Jesus Christ; and her humble confidence I hope has been in him since her sixteenth year; becoming first a member of Geneva Church in Granville county, under the pastorate of the Rev. Geo. Ferrall. She was one of the original members of the Presbyterian church of Henderson. One by one these few pass away from us - either to Other churches in different parts of our land or to the General Assembly and church of the First Born above - there being but two left of he original members.
Mrs. Wortham was a Christian of very quiet unobtrusive manners, content to occupy the humbler sphere and doing all in her quiet way that fell within her province. Her nature was affectionate and gentle and in her Old age she became one of the children that delighted the household of her son who ministered to her with joy and willingness.
The funeral services were conducted at her recent home about a mile front town, Rev. Alexander Sprunt, her Pastor, and by a singular coincidence the same passages of scripture read years ago from the Testament so long used by him at the funeral of her husband, were read from the same book at her funeral. Many friends gathered to pay this last tribute of respect to her memory, and there was a remarkably large attendance of colored friends present. She was esteemed by those who lived near her whether white or black. Her remains were laid to rest in the old family burying ground about three hundred yards from the house. The sympathy and attention shown the family during this affliction which has befallen them have been highly appreciated by them and they desire to express grateful acknowledgement of this aid and comfort in their time of need.
Francis married William Duke Wortham, son of John George Wortham and Elizabeth Ward Jordan, on 6 Apr 1825 in Warren Co., N.C. (William Duke Wortham was born on 22 Feb 1800 in Warren Co., N.C. and died in Sep 1877 in Warren Co., N.C..)