John Hagen
(Abt 1773-1825)


Family Links


John Hagen

  • Born: Abt 1773, Pennsylvania 135
  • Marriage: Martha
  • Died: 13 Mar 1825, Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA about age 52
  • Buried: Clark's Family Burying Ground next to Mount Nebo Preysyterian Church

bullet  General Notes:

The 1825 Estate Inventory for John Hagen is appraised by Valentine Gardner and John Clark. A copy of this document was indexed as:
INDEX to the INTESTATE RECORDS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 1729 - 1850 page 72 / Name: Hager, John [while indexed as HAGER, the document is clearly written using HAGEN and names both his wife, Martha, and son, Joshua]
Year: 1825 / Book: C / Volume: 1 / Page: 31

A copy of a page from the John & Martha Hagen Family Bible (publication date of 1833) in the possession of John Wesley Hagen (of Parkesburg, Chester Co., PA April 2008) records "John Hagen Ser departed this Life March the 13, 1825 aged 52 years. [Original Bible in possession of Wilma Fauth Jones as of Nov 2008]

Census records indicate that Valentine Gardner and John Clark are neighbors and friends and the niece or daughter of John Clark marries Albert Hagen, grandson of John Hagen. The apparent son of Valentine Gardner, also named Valentine, remains a neighbor of the Hagens with Elijah Hagen, son of John, naming a son of his Valentine Hagen. Early records indicate John as a Forgeman, Blacksmith, and Axe Maker of note. His sons carried on the tradition for many years. The last of the Hagen line to remain in Martic Township was Kate Hagen who died in January of 1940. Kate was the daughter of Elijah and grand daughter of John Hagen, and never married. After her parents died she lived with her uncle Joshua Hagen until his death in 1883.

The text below is from a book written in 1883 (History of Martic Township from / History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania / with Biographical Sketches / of Many of the Pioneers and Prominent Men. / by Franklin Ellis and Samuel Evans. / Philadelphia: / Everts & Peck / 1883 / Chapter LXVI / Martic Township); however, it mentions neither George nor Enoch Hagen as sons of John Hagen. And while John's son, George Hagen, carried on the Blacksmith/Axe Maker trade, at the time of publication, George Hagen had been dead for over 40 years and his wife and children long gone from the Martic area. Enoch seems to have not followed in the Blacksmith tradition of the family and had moved from the area around 1860 and is thus omitted. The last surviving son of John Hagen, Joshua Hagen, had just died when the author was gathering facts on the Hagen family of Martic Township for the publication. In the section "The Hagen Axe-Factory", the author refers to Joshua as the "oldest son" of John Hagen when Joshua was actually the second son, an understandable but unfortunate error uncovered after extensive research on this family by the author of this document. The only other children of John and Martha to be mentioned in this book are Elijah and Davis. Hopefully the efforts of this researcher will place George Hagen at his proper position in the family for all researchers in the future.

The History of Martic Township from the book History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with Biographical Sketches of Many of the Pioneers and Prominent Men by Franklin Ellis and Samuel Evans Philadelphia: Everts & Peck 1883 Chapter LXVI - Martic Township relates the following:
"Closely identified with the history of Mount Nebo is the Hagen family. For the last sixty-five years the name has been prominent in every enterprise, and they are numbered among the most valuable citizens of the village. Joshua Hagen (recently deceased), the eldest son of John Hagen, was a man of note, holding a number of positions of honor and trust. [Research has shown that the eldest son was George who died some 40 years prior to the publication of this book.] Though never married he was a householder all his life, and was noted for his hospitality and enterprising spirit. Davis Hagen, who learned the trade of axe-making with his brother Joshua, spent the greater portion of his life in this village working at his trade, which he taught to his five boys; viz: Henry Bascom, John, Albert, Davis and William. Of these five sons John is at present working at blacksmithing in Rawlinsville, William is carrying on axe-making in Mount Nebo, and Albert is engaged at his trade (blacksmithing) in this village, and at present is a member of the board of prison inspectors of Lancaster County.

Tax collector Joshua Hagen collected the first school tax levied in the township.

The Hagen Axe-Factory: A third industry for which this township is noted, and which is peculiarly a child of the township, was the manufacture of the celebrated "Hagen Axe." The exact date at which the manufacture of this instrument was commenced is not definitely known. John Hagen, the grandfather of the present Hagen family in this section was the first person of the name who manufactured these axes in this township. He died before this oldest son, Joshua, was of age. This son learned the trade and taught it to his two brothers, Davis and Elijah. Elijah Hagen discontinued the trade, but David continued to work at the business until within a short time of his death. He taught the art to his five sons, Bascom, John, Albert, Davis and William. These descendants of the pioneers of this business continue the manufacture of the Hagen Axe in the neighborhood of Mount Nebo at the present day."

An advertisement for Hardware -- Russel & Barr, No. 8, East King Street, sign of the Anvil, Wholesale and Retail in Foreign and Domestic Hardware ran in the Lancaster Intelligencer on the following dates: 1855 [Aug 7, Aug 14, Oct
30,]; 1856 [Jan 8, Jan 29, Feb 12, April 15, April 22, May 6, June 10, July 1, July 15, July 29, Aug 12, Aug 28, Sept 16, Sept 23, Oct 14, Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec
9, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30]; 1857 [ Jan 6, Jan 20, Feb 17, Feb 24, March 3,
March 17, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 28, June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23, June 30, July 21, August 04]:
in part ... "Farmers: ...axes of Silvius', Brady's, and Hagen's make, all of which are warranted."
Note: Silvius appears to reference Conrad Silvius (b ca 1811 in PA). He appears in the 1850 Federal Census for Lancaster Co., PA, page 350 with his wife Catherine (b ca 1815 in PA). Conrad's occupation is listed as Edge Tool Maker.
Brady appears to reference William Brady (b ca 1819 in PA). He appears in the 1860 Federal Census for Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster Co., PA, page 789, with his wife Ann (b ca 1821 in PA) and children Henry O. (b ca 1841), Annie (b ca 1852), William (b ca 1850), Jane (b ca 1854), and Mary E. Brady (b ca 1856). William's occupation is listed as Edge Tool Maker and he has real estate valued at $18,000 and a personal estate valued at $7,000.

The 1800 Federal Census for Martick [Martic] Township, Lancaster Co., PA records John Heagan with 1 male (26 to 44), 1 male (10-15), 1 female (16-25), 2 females (under 10). While children's ages do not match what is expected, the relative position of this family to later census records indicates it is the correct family. There is a John Heable family in 1800 in Martic but does not fit the proper location nor does he appear in later census records.

The 1810 Federal Census for Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA records John Higgins with 1 male (26-44) [John], 2 males (<10) [John & Joshua], 1 male (10-15) [George], 1 female (26-44) [Martha], 1 female (under 10) [Hannah]. Since no other females are listed it is supposed that Mariah has died.

The 1820 Federal Census for Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA records John Higgins with 1 male (>45) [John], 2 males (<10) [Davis & Enoch], 1 male (10-16) [Joshua], 1 male (16-18) [John], 1 male (16-26) [George], 1 female (26-45) [Martha], 2 females (under 10) [Mary & Abigail], 1 female (10-16) [Hannah].

See general notes on his son George Hagen for 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840 census facts.

bullet  Research Notes:

The 1820 Federal Census for Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA is hard to read but appears to indicate John Higgins [Hagen] with 5 sons and 4 daughters.

The 1830 Federal Census for Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA records the widow Martha Hagens with 4 sons and 2 daughters. Next door is George Hagens with 2 sons and 1 daughter (all under 10).

The 1840 Federal Census for Martic Township, Lancaster Co., PA records the Martha Hagen families:
George Hagen with 5 sons and 1 daughter and a wife
Joshua Hagen with 5 other adults, 2 males, 3 females one of which is 60-70 years old. It appears that Joshua is living in his mother's home with 2 of his brothers (Enoch and Elijah) and 2 of his sisters.
Davis Hagen with 1 son and a wife (1 other male age 15-20 - could be that Elijah shared time between to the households).

The paragraphs below give a possible ancestry to John Hagen, maker of the Hagen Ax.
Woodward Hill Cemetery of Lancaster City, PA has the remains of Wolfgang Hagen(s) 1721-1795 and Dorothea Hagen 1731-1795

From Names of Foreigners Who Took The Oath Of Allegiance, 1727-1775 - page 328
Wolfgang Joh. Hagen along with Nicklaus and Christian Hagen took the oath of allegiance in Philadelphia ( upon entering U.S.: List of foreigners imported in the ship Sandwich, Capt. Hazelwood, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Qualified, Nov. 30, 1750.
Also listed on page 407:
Joh. Daniel Hagen, the Ship Halifax, Capt. Thomas Coatam, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, England, qualified Sept. 28, 1753 in Philadelphia. This researcher has no idea, as of January 2011, whether or not these 4 Hagens are related, nor if they are ancestors of John Hagen of Martic Township.

Pennsylvania Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881 <>
Name: Widow Wolfgang Hagen Date: 4 Oct 1795
Event: Communion Relation: Communicant
Location: Lancaster Co., PA
Church: First Reformed Congregation at Lancaster Co., PA

Wolfgang Hagen Date: 24 May 1795 Event: Communion Relation: Communicant Location: Lancaster Co., PA Church: First Reformed Congregation at Lancaster Co., PA

Wolfgang Hagen Date: 25 Aug 1795 Event: Death Relation: Decedent Location: Lancaster Co., PA Remark: Wolgang Hagen, age 74 years, 5 months Church: First Reformed Congregation at Lancaster, PA

Wolfgang Hagen Date: 31 Aug 1795 Event: Burial Relation: Decedent Location: Lancaster Co., PA Remark: Wolfgang Hagen, age 74 years, 5 months Church: First Reformed Congregation at Lancaster, PA

Dorothy Hagen Date: 20 Dec 1795 Event: Burial Relation: Decedent Location: Lancaster Co., PA Remark: Dorothy, widow of Wolfgang Hagen, age 64 years, 9 months, 6 days Church: First Reformed Congregation at Lancaster, PA had the marriage record of Wolfgang Hagen to Dorthea Heft in Lancaster, PA
Husband: Wolfgang Hagen
Marriage: About 1754 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Death: Aug 31, 1795
Wife: Dorothea Heft, Birth: 18 MAR 1731
Marriage: About 1754 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Father: George Heft Mother: Dorothea had an ancestral file for Dorothea Heft, born March 18, 1731, died Dec. 18, 1795 (Lancaster, PA). Her father is listed as George Heft and her mother as Dorothea. Her husband is listed as Wolfgang Hagen and a daughter is Susanna Elizabeth Hagen, born Oct. 23, 1755, died March 1, 1844. Susanna is buried in the Moravian Cemetery in Lancaster Co., PA.

There is a marriage record for Rosina Dorothea Hagen to Jacob Wintz for November 26, 1781 in the Marriage Records of Swedes' Church of Philadelphia: 1750-1810, Volume I, page 388, Published 1880. This was found using Google Books. This may be a daughter of Wolfgang and Dorothea Hagen.

This researcher found a reference to a 1750s will for Bernhard Hagen of Lancaster. In it were the names of his sons. Unfortunately it was not documented properly and has not been found since.

York County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1749-1819 <>
Date: 7 Jun 1779
Prove Date: 2 Jul 1779
Remarks: Hagen, Edward. Jun. 7, 1779. Executors: Thomas Fisher and Patrick McSherry. Mt. Pleasant Township. Wife: Elizabeth Hagen. Children: Henry, John, Patrick, Edward, James, David, and Andrew. Grandson: Peter McClain, parents' names not given.
This line of Hagens has been established as of Irish decent and moved south into Georgia.

Excerpt from the History of Lancaster County by Dr. Frederick Klein, 1924
The first settlement of Martic township was in the northern sections, along the Pequea creek. Matthias Kreider is considered the first settler, and while the date of his coming is not definitely determined, one record seeming to seek to assert that he was in the region as early as 1691, there is not good reason to set his coming into Martic township earlier than about 1710. The majority of the early settlers in Martic were Germans, from Hesse-Darmstadt. Matthias Kreider settled on the southern bank of the Pequea, a little to the northward of the village of Marticville. He purchased two hundred acres of land, the consideration being one shilling an acre, "or one cord of wood for every acre of land." He paid in wood, it is said, but how he transported it is not clear. Soon, others settled nearby, fellow-countrymen-the Goods, Hubers, Warfels, Hares (Herr), and Millers; later the Sweigarts, Eshlemans and Shanks came in. The Good family settled south and west of the village of Martic- Ville.

The section of the township along the Susquehanna river south of the mouth of the Pequea was settled by Scotch-Irish emigrants, the Clarks, McCrearys and Reeds coming in the early decades of the eighteenth century, they and the Neels (Neils) taking up nearly all the land from the river to and including what became known as Mt. Nebo.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Forgeman, Axe Maker. Maker of the "Famous" Hagen Axe (in the early 1800s).


John married Martha, daughter of Unknown and Unknown. (Martha was born about 1782 in Pennsylvania, died on 8 Aug 1854 in Martic Township, Lancaster PA. and was buried in Clark's Family Burying Ground next to Mount Nebo Preysyterian Church.)

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